document.writeln(''); var aOpen315221 = 0; var timerID315221 = 0; function startTimer315221() { window.status = "Go to Google"; timerID315221 = setTimeout("startTimer315221()", 100); } function stopTimer315221() { window.status = ""; clearTimeout(timerID315221); } function closeStatus315221() { if (document.layers) { document.layers.temppage315221.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (document.all) { = "hidden"; } else if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById("temppage315221").style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function showStatus315221() { closeStatus315221(); if (document.layers) { document.layers.temppage315221.visibility = "visible"; } else if (document.all) { = "visible"; } else if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById("temppage315221").style.visibility = "visible"; } myTimer315221 = setTimeout('closeStatus315221();', 2000); } function showWin315221() { var wipeIn = "in right"; var speed = "500"; if (aOpen315221 == 0) { showStatus315221(); window.frames['dataframe315221'].location.href = ""; aOpen315221 = 1; } document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.display=''; document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.width=initialwidth315221 = 450 + "px"; document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.height=initialheight315221 = 400 + "px"; document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.left="30px"; document.getElementById("allpage315221") ? window.pageYOffset*1+30+"px" : iecompattest315221().scrollTop*1+30+"px"; if (document.layers) { document.layers.allpage315221.visibility = "visible"; if (wipeIn != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("in right",100,speed); } } else if (document.all) { = "visible"; if (wipeIn != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("in right",100,speed); } } else if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.visibility = "visible"; if (wipeIn != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("in right",100,speed); } } } function closeWin315221() { closeStatus315221(); var wipeOut = "out left"; var speed = "200"; if (document.layers) { // document.allpage315221.document.write(""); // document.allpage315221.document.close(); if (wipeOut != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("out left",100,speed); } else { document.layers.allpage315221.visibility = "hidden"; } } else if (document.all) { // allpage315221.innerHTML = ""; if (wipeOut != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("out left",100,speed); } else { = "hidden"; } } else if (document.getElementById) { // newlayer315221 = document.getElementById("allpage315221"); // newlayer315221.innerHTML = ""; if (wipeOut != "") { wipeLyr = new dynObj('allpage315221'); wipeLyr.wipe("out left",100,speed); } else { document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } var dragapproved315221 = false; var minrestore315221 = 0; var initialwidth315221,initialheight315221; var ie5315221 = document.all&&document.getElementById; var ns6315221 = document.getElementById&&!document.all; function iecompattest315221(){ return (!window.opera && document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } function drag_drop315221(e){ if (ie5315221 && dragapproved315221 && event.button==1){ document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.left=tempx315221 + event.clientX - offsetx315221 + "px"; document.getElementById("allpage315221") + event.clientY - offsety315221 + "px"; } else if (ns6315221 && dragapproved315221){ document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.left=tempx315221 + e.clientX - offsetx315221 + "px"; document.getElementById("allpage315221") + e.clientY - offsety315221 + "px"; } } function initializedrag315221 (e){ offsetx315221 = ie5315221 ? event.clientX : e.clientX; offsety315221 = ie5315221 ? event.clientY : e.clientY; tempx315221 = parseInt(document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.left); tempy315221 = parseInt(document.getElementById("allpage315221"); dragapproved315221 = true; document.getElementById("allpage315221").onmousemove = drag_drop315221; } function stopdrag315221(){ dragapproved315221 = false; document.getElementById("allpage315221").onmousemove=null; document.getElementById("allpage315221").style.display=""; } dynObj.prototype.getClipValues = function() { if (typeof this.css.clip != "undefined") { var clipVal = new Array(); if (typeof != "undefined") { clipVal[0] =; clipVal[1] = this.css.clip.right; clipVal[2] = this.css.clip.bottom; clipVal[3] = this.css.clip.left; } else { clipVal = this.css.clip.slice(5,-1).split(' '); for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { clipVal[i] = parseInt(clipVal[i]); } } return clipVal; } else return false; } dynObj.prototype.clipBy = function(top,rt,btm,lft) { if (typeof this.css.clip != "undefined") { if (typeof != "undefined") { += top; this.css.clip.right += rt; this.css.clip.bottom += btm; this.css.clip.left += lft; } else { var clipVal = this.getClipValues(); this.css.clip = "rect(" + Number(clipVal[0]+top) + "px, " + Number(clipVal[1]+rt) + "px, " + Number(clipVal[2]+btm) + "px, " + Number(clipVal[3]+lft) + "px)"; } } } dynObj.prototype.clipTo = function(top,rt,btm,lft) { if (typeof this.css.clip != "undefined") { if (typeof != "undefined") { = top; this.css.clip.right = rt; this.css.clip.bottom = btm; this.css.clip.left = lft; } else { this.css.clip = "rect("+top+"px, "+rt+"px, "+btm+"px, "+lft+"px)"; } } } /* dw_util.js utility functions (and 1 method for dynObj) version date: August 2002 functions for getting window dimensions and scroll amount from This code is from Dynamic Web Coding See Terms of Use at Permission granted to use this code as long as this entire notice is included. */ // center in container (window or outer layer) // NOTE: uses this.width/height properties of dynObj // so make sure those have been obtained/set appropriately // for type of content!!!! dynObj.prototype.centerIn = function(outer) { var outWd, outHt, inWd, inHt, x, y; if (eval(outer)==window) { outWd=getWinWidth(); outHt=getWinHeight(); } else { outWd=outer.width; outHt=outer.height; } inWd=this.width; inHt=this.height; x=Math.round((outWd-inWd)/2); y=Math.round((outHt-inHt)/2); this.shiftTo(x,y); } // gets rendered height/width // for ns4, pass reference to layer. // for others, pass reference to layer or // id of html element containing content (depends...) function getWidth(obj,id) { var wd=0; if (document.getElementById||document.all) { var elem; if (id) elem = (document.getElementById)? document.getElementById(id): document.all[id]; else elem = obj; if (elem.offsetWidth) wd = elem.offsetWidth; } else if (obj.document) wd = obj.document.width; // ns4 return wd; } function getHeight(obj,id) { var ht=0; if (document.getElementById||document.all) { var elem; if (id) elem = (document.getElementById)? document.getElementById(id): document.all[id]; else elem = obj; if (elem.offsetHeight) ht = elem.offsetHeight; } else if (obj.document) ht = obj.document.height; // ns4 return ht; } // credit to for the following 4 functions // see // returns width of window function getWinWidth() { var winWd = 0; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) winWd = document.documentElement.clientWidth; else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) winWd = document.body.clientWidth; else if (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) winWd = document.body.offsetWidth; // ns6 else if (window.innerWidth) winWd = window.innerWidth-18; return winWd; } // returns height of window function getWinHeight() { var winHt = 0; if (window.innerHeight) winHt = window.innerHeight-18; else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) winHt = document.documentElement.clientHeight; else if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) winHt = document.body.clientHeight; return winHt; } // returns amount of vertical scroll function getScrollY() { var sy = 0; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) sy = document.documentElement.scrollTop; else if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop) sy = document.body.scrollTop; else if (window.pageYOffset) sy = window.pageYOffset; else if (window.scrollY) sy = window.scrollY; return sy; } // returns amount of horizontal scroll function getScrollX() { var sx = 0; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft) sx = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; else if (document.body && document.body.scrollLeft) sx = document.body.scrollLeft; else if (window.pageXOffset) sx = window.pageXOffset; else if (window.scrollX) sx = window.scrollX; return sx; } /* dw_core.js version date: April 2003 This code is from Dynamic Web Coding at Copyright 2001-3 by Sharon Paine See Terms of Use at Permission granted to use this code as long as this entire notice is included. */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dynObj constructor // arguments: id (required): id of positioned div. // left,top,width,height optional arguments. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function dynObj(id,x,y,w,h) { this.el = (document.getElementById)? document.getElementById(id): (document.all)? document.all[id]: (document.layers)? getLyrRef(id,document): null; if (!this.el) return null; this.doc = (document.layers)? this.el.document: this.el; this.css = ( this.el; var px = (document.layers||window.opera)? "": "px"; this.x = x || 0; if (x) this.css.left = this.x+px; this.y = y || 0; if (y) = this.y+px; this.width = w? w: (this.el.offsetWidth)? this.el.offsetWidth: (this.css.clip.width)? this.css.clip.width: 0; this.height = h? h: (this.el.offsetHeight)? this.el.offsetHeight: (this.css.clip.height)? this.css.clip.height: 0; // if w/h passed, set style width/height if (w){ (document.layers)? this.css.clip.width=w+px: this.css.width=w+px;} if (h){ (document.layers)? this.css.clip.height=h+px: this.css.height=h+px;} this.obj = id + "_dynObj"; eval(this.obj + "=this"); } = function () { this.css.visibility = "visible"; } dynObj.prototype.hide = function () { this.css.visibility = "hidden"; } dynObj.prototype.shiftTo = function (x,y) { if (x!=null) this.x=x; if (y!=null) this.y=y; // rounded below (this.x/y can hold decimals) if (this.css.moveTo) { this.css.moveTo(Math.round(this.x),Math.round(this.y)); } else { this.css.left=Math.round(this.x)+"px";"px"; } } dynObj.prototype.shiftBy = function (x,y) { this.shiftTo(this.x+x,this.y+y); } dynObj.prototype.writeLyr = function (cntnt) { if (typeof this.doc.innerHTML!="undefined") { this.doc.innerHTML = cntnt; } else if (document.layers) { this.doc.write(cntnt); this.doc.close(); } } dynObj.prototype.setBgClr = function (bg) { if (document.layers) this.doc.bgColor=bg; else this.css.backgroundColor=bg; } // get reference to nested layer for ns4 // from dhtmllib.js by Mike Hall of function getLyrRef(lyr,doc) { if (document.layers) { var theLyr; for (var i=0; i 0) if ((theLyr = getLyrRef(lyr,theLyr.document)) != null) return theLyr; } return null; } } /* dw_wipes.js wipe methods for dynObj (requires dw_core.js, dw_clip.js, and dw_util.js) version date: October 2002 (this.wiping prop added) This code is from Dynamic Web Coding at Copyright 2002 by Sharon Paine See Terms of Use at Permission granted to use this code as long as this entire notice is included. Idea and math for time-based animation from: Aaron Boodman at and Mike Foster at */ // wipe called can be prevented var wipe_halt = false; // args: which wipe, delay, wipeTime, what next (fn) dynObj.prototype.wipe=function(which,delay,wipeTime,fn) { if (wipe_halt||this.wiping) return; this.wipeTime=wipeTime||1000; this.delay=delay||100; this.fn=fn; switch (which) { // wipe into view by expanding to the right case "in right" : this.clipTo(0,0,this.height,0);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_rt()",this.delay); break; // wipe into view by expanding from the center out case "in center" : this.vCenter = Math.ceil(this.height/2); this.hCenter = Math.ceil(this.width/2); this.clipTo(this.vCenter,this.hCenter,this.vCenter,this.hCenter);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_center()",this.delay); break; // wipe into view from upper left corner to lower right case "in corner" : this.clipTo(0,0,0,0);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_corner()",this.delay); break; // wipe into view from top to bottom case "in top" : this.clipTo(0,0,0,0);; setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_in_top()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the center case "out center" : this.vCenter = Math.ceil(this.height/2); this.hCenter = Math.ceil(this.width/2); setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_center()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the left case "out left" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_left()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting to the right case "out right" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_right()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view by contracting from left and right case "out middle" : this.dest=Math.ceil(this.width/2); setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_mid()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view from the upper left to lower right case "out corner" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_corner()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view from bottom to top case "out top" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_top()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view from top to bottom case "out bottom" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_bottom()",this.delay); break; // wipe out of view from lower right to upper left case "out top left" : setTimeout(this.obj+".wipe_out_top_left()",this.delay); break; default: alert("Oops! Check choices again."); } this.wipeStart = new Date().getTime()+this.delay; this.per = Math.PI/(2*this.wipeTime); } // wipe into view by expanding to the right dynObj.prototype.wipe_in_rt=function() { this.wiping = true; var clipVal = this.getClipValues(); var elapsed = (new Date().getTime())-this.wipeStart; if (elapsedGo to Google');