#!/usr/bin/perl # Smart Tag Generator # Provided by CGI Connection # http://www.CGIConnection.com $| = 1; srand(); # Where to start searching for your web pages # Generally it's the absolute path to your home pages # Eg. /path/to/your/pages $webdir = "!WEBDIR!"; # Name of folder to create to place backups of pages in # This folder will be created under each directory # where files were converted $backup_folder = "backup"; # Filename extension to use for backups $backupext = "old"; # DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ######################################### &parse_form; $nonwritable = 0; $htmlfiles = 0; $foundtags = 0; $nofoundtags = 0; $dircount = 1; splice(@all_dirs, 0); $tmpext = int(rand(10000)); @all_dirs[0] = $webdir; print "Content-type: multipart/mixed\n\n"; print "Smart Tag\n"; for ($x = 0; $x < 50; $x++) { print "\n"; } if ($FORM{'area'} eq "") { &login_screen; exit; } splice(@all_ext, 0); @all_ext = split(/, /, $FORM{'ext'}); for ($xx = 0; $xx < @all_ext; $xx++) { $DOEXT{@all_ext[$xx]} = 1; } print "

Smart Tag Generator

\n"; if ($FORM{'viewonly'} ne "") { print "
Files are not being converted (view only)

\n"; } for ($xx = 0; $xx < @all_dirs; $xx++) { if (@all_dirs[$xx] ne "") { &get_files(@all_dirs[$xx]); &convert_files(@all_dirs[$xx]); } } print "Total Files: $htmlfiles
\n"; print "Files converted: $nofoundtags
\n"; print "Files that could not be written to: $nonwritable
\n"; print "Files already containing smart tag: $foundtags
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; exit; sub get_files { my $tempdir = @_[0]; splice(@all_files, 0); opendir(FILES, "$tempdir"); @all_files = readdir(FILES); closedir(FILES); @all_files = sort(@all_files); $filecount = @all_files; } sub convert_files { $nowdir = @_[0]; $j = 2; $backok = 0; $backok = mkdir("$nowdir\/$backup_folder", 0777); print "
Directory: $nowdir"; if ($backok == 0 and not -e "$nowdir\/$backup_folder") { print " (Could not create backup folder - SKIPPING)"; } print "
\n"; if ($backok == 1 and $FORM{'viewonly'} ne "") { rmdir("$nowdir\/$backup_folder"); } print "\n"; until ($j > @all_files) { $count = 0; $headline = 0; $htmlline = 0; $tfile = ""; $found = 0; $foundit = 0; until($foundit == 1 or $j > @all_files) { $readfile = @all_files[$j]; $ridx = rindex($readfile, "."); $tfile = substr($readfile, $ridx + 1); if ("\L$tfile\E" eq "htm" and $DOEXT{'htm'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "html" and $DOEXT{'html'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "shtm" and $DOEXT{'shtm'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "shtml" and $DOEXT{'shtml'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "lasso" and $DOEXT{'lasso'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "pl" and $DOEXT{'pl'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "cgi" and $DOEXT{'cgi'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } elsif ("\L$tfile\E" eq "php" and $DOEXT{'php'} == 1) { $foundit = 1; } if (-d "$nowdir\/$readfile" and $readfile ne "" and $readfile ne "." and $readfile ne "..") { @all_dirs[$dircount] = "$nowdir\/$readfile"; $dircount++; } $j++; } $htmlfiles++; open(FILE, "<$nowdir\/$readfile"); until(eof(FILE) or $found == 1) { $line = ; if ($line =~ m//i) { $htmlline = $count; } if ($line =~ m//i) { $headline = $count; } if ($line =~ m//i) { $found = 1; $foundtags++; } $count++; } close(FILE); $hadit = ""; $nowrite = 0; $nodir = 0; if (not -w "$nowdir\/$readfile" and not -d "$nowdir\/$readfile") { $hadit .= "X "; $nowrite = 1; $nonwritable++; } if (-d "$nowdir\/$readfile") { $nodir = 1; } if ($found == 1) { $hadit .= "* "; } print "$hadit$readfile
\n"; print "\n"; if ($found == 0 and $nowrite == 0 and $nodir == 0 and $backok == 1) { $count = 0; $nofoundtags++; $writefile = "$readfile\.$backupext"; if ($FORM{'viewonly'} eq "") { open(FILE, "<$nowdir\/$readfile"); open(FILE2, ">$nowdir\/$backup_folder\/$writefile"); until(eof(FILE)) { $line = ; if ($headline == 0 and $count == $htmlline) { $tmpval = index("\L$line\E", ""); $tmpline = substr($line, 0, $tmpval + 6); $tmpline .= ""; $tmpline .= substr($line, $tmpval + 6); $line = $tmpline; } print FILE2 "$line"; if ($count == $headline and $headline > 0) { print FILE2 "\n"; } $count++; } close(FILE); close(FILE2); rename("$nowdir\/$readfile", "$nowdir\/$readfile\.$tmpext"); rename("$nowdir\/$backup_folder\/$writefile", "$nowdir\/$readfile"); rename("$nowdir\/$readfile\.$tmpext", "$nowdir\/$backup_folder\/$writefile"); } } } } sub parse_form { if ("\U$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}\E" eq 'GET') { # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); } elsif ("\U$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}\E" eq 'POST') { # Get the input read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); } else { &error('request_method'); } foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # If they try to include server side includes, erase them, so they # arent a security risk if the html gets returned. Another # security hole plugged up. $value =~ s///g; # Remove HTML Tags if ($allow_html == 0) { $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g; } # Create two associative arrays here. One is a configuration array # which includes all fields that this form recognizes. The other # is for fields which the form does not recognize and will report # back to the user in the html return page and the e-mail message. # Also determine required fields. if ($FORM{$name}) { $FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name}, $value"; } elsif ($value ne "") { $FORM{$name} = $value; } } } sub error { local($msg) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "


\n"; exit; } sub login_screen { { print<
Smart Tag

Smart Tag Generator

Choose the files you would like to add smart tags to
htm html shtm shtml
lasso pl cgi php
Only view files, do not convert
END } }