Survey Maker 3.0

This is a screenshot of how the Survey Maker 3.0 works. Some links may not work.

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Survey Title:
Example: What is your favorite color?
Title Color:
Title Background:
Options Color:
Options Background:
Border Color:
Border Width: pixels        Cell Border Width: pixels
Table Width: pixels
Display: # of votes % of total votes No totals

Below is how your survey will look

Below are the options you will allow your visitors to choose from
If you specify a Destination URL the visitor will be sent there after voting

Votes Percentage
Delete? YES
Option #1 2 25.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #2 3 37.50%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #3 2 25.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #4 1 12.50%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #5 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #6 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #7 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #8 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #9 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Delete? YES
Option #10 0 0.00%
Destination URL:

Total: 8 100.00%

Creation Date: 03-12-2006 23:42:08 (0 days old)
Last Vote: 03-13-2006 14:19:28 (0 days ago)

This survey has been viewed 6 times. There is a 133.33% response rate.
Samantha Carter (3 Votes - 37.50%)
Daniel Jackson (2 Votes - 25.00%)
Jack O'neill (2 Votes - 25.00%)
Tealc (1 Votes - 12.50%)
Hank Landry (0 Votes - 0.00%)
Cameron Mitchell (0 Votes - 0.00%)
Vala (0 Votes - 0.00%)
Walter Harriman (0 Votes - 0.00%)
Janet Fraiser (0 Votes - 0.00%)
George Hammond (0 Votes - 0.00%)

Below you can further customize how your survey looks and works
This section is optional

Vote Text:
This is the text that is shown when the number of votes are displayed
Button Text:
This is the button the visitor pushes to submit their vote
Footer Text:
Optional text that will be displayed below the survey
E-mail Text:
This will be shown when asking for a visitor's e-mail address
Thank You Text:
This will be displayed after a visitor votes
Comments Text:
This will be shown when asking for the visitor's comments
Already Voted Error:
This message displays if the visitor has already voted
No Selection Error:
This message displays if the visitor did not choose a voting option
Destination URL:
This is where your visitors will go after they vote. You can also specify individual URL's for each option chosen above. This is not required.
Survey information can be passed to other web sites by using the below variables:

!SURVEYFILENAME! is the filename of this survey
!SURVEYIPADDRESS! IP Address of the visitor who voted
!SURVEYOPTION! Option chosen by the visitor
!SURVEYREFERPAGE! Referring page visitor came from
!SURVEYEMAIL! E-mail address supplied by visitor
!SURVEYCOMMENTS! Comments supplied by visitor
Revote Expire: seconds
How much time must pass before the same visitor can vote again. For example, 86400 seconds is one day. If you enter that, the visitor must wait a day before casting another vote.
View Expire: seconds
How much time must pass before the same visitor is logged as viewing the survey. For example, 600 seconds is 10 minutes. If you enter that, 10 minutes must pass before an additional view is recorded for that visitor.
Open New Window? YES
After visitors votes, do you want a new browser window opened
Hover / Fly In? YES
Scrolls survey from the left side of the screen
Pop Up? YES        Width: Height:
Ask for E-mail? YES        Required? YES
Ask for Comments? YES        Required? YES
Block Voting On: Month: Day: Year:
If you would like this survey to stop accepting votes after a certain date, enter it here in the format of MM DD YYYY

Fill in the information below to be notified each time a visitor votes

Notify E-mail:
Enter your e-mail address if you want to be notified each time someone votes
SMTP Server:
This is your mail server name to send outgoing e-mails
Example: localhost or

Save As:
Clear Stats? Yes
This deletes all voting information, but preserves the log database
Delete Log? Yes
This only deletes the log database
Delete Survey? Yes
This will delete everything associated with this survey