"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
YaBB 2.1

Saturday, July 27, 2024

YaBB is a leading free forum software package that rivals any professional message board out there. It provides a real-time chat and support system for your visitors. While chat programs allow people to talk directly, you have to be on at the same time as others. With forum software like YaBB, you can talk any time, and everyone can join in the conversation! Build a community and get visitors to come back for interesting discussions, fun chit chat, or needed support without having to spend thousands of dollars.

Why choose YaBB? This system is the world's first and most popular open-source perl forum software! All you need to do to get started is download YaBB from this site for FREE and install it on your existing website! You can control every aspect of your forum...


Every Page
  • Notification of instant messages, greeting, date/time
  • Navigation menu bar (text, image, or combination format)
  • Forum navigation links or text (index/category/board/message... etc.)
  • Forum Index
  • Stats including: newest member, total members, total posts, most recent post
  • Graphical alert of new messages in each board
  • Date/member of latest posts in each board
  • Name of board moderators
  • Ability to mark every post in the forum "as read"
  • Options not accessible to guests are "hidden" for them
  • Flat text or javascript fading news, with YaBBC enabled
  • Topic Index
  • Graphical alert each new or updated topic
  • Date/member of latest posts in each topic
  • Names of the board moderators
  • 'Jump to' box for instant jump to a different board or category
  • Ability to mark every post in the board "as read"
  • Options not accessible to guests are "hidden" for them
  • Topic Display
  • Number of reply on each post
  • Author information, such as email, # posts, membergroup, IM links and userpic
  • Option to view profile of authors
  • Ability to quote messages or reply
  • Date of each post listed
  • User/Moderator ability to delete or modify posts
  • Option to display a "printer-friendly" copy of the page
  • Option to send a friend the topic
  • Post Page
  • Easy to use editor-style interface
  • Option to receive notification of replies
  • Option to disable smileys
  • Full 'editor' bar for inserting smileys and YaBBC tags
  • Input field autojump javascript
  • Full preview ability
  • Option to receive topic "notification"
  • Option to disable smileys
  • Other Pages
  • Recent posts
  • XX number of posts by a certain member
  • Forum post search
  • Full members list
  • Other Features
  • Full administration and moderating options
  • Ability to change settings and template on the fly
  • Full YaBBC code in posts, with error-checking galore
  • Integrated instant messaging system for member to member communication
  • Ability to customize the layout colors and CSS via one template
  • Private Boards in which only certain membergroups can access
  • Login length options
  • Delete registered members
  • Full profile options, including signature, settings, and personal information
  • Email all registered users
  • 'Maintenance Mode' for major board administration
  • Online help for users and admins
  • Moderator/Administrator ability to move topics
  • Simple registration form and option to generate random password
  • Post icons to designate the message type
  • Admin option to disable the YaBBC code

  • ScreenShots:


    YaBB 2.1 automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

    When you first run YaBB the default password will be set to admin

    The YaBB 2.1 installation guide can be viewed here.

    I have been a member of this site for quite awhile now and never took the time to investigate it. I finally did on January 03, 2008 and let me tell you of all that I have been missing and paying through the nose for the same items CGI has for a fraction of the cost. I'm glad I finally smelled the roses and became a member! Become a member today and see what you've been missing!...

    Pastor Dean

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