E-mail WhiteLister 1.1
Saturday, December 07, 2024
If you have a web site, you probably have some type of form asking for your visitor's name, e-mail address, or other information. You would then most likely want to e-mail that person at some point to get in touch with them. But what happens when their SPAM folder blocks your e-mail? Simple. They don't get it and you lose a lead or worse yet... a sale.
E-mail WhiteLister solves this problem by detecting what type of e-mail address the visitor is using, and displaying the proper "whitelist" instructions to them
before they submit your form.
Whitelisting is used in virtually every e-mail program, which enables you to always allow an e-mail to come through from a particular e-mail address. This ensures that the receiver will always receive the e-mail without being filtered by a SPAM program.
So why use E-mail WhiteLister? Basically once someone submits their information to your web site
they usually click away to something else, don't look at what e-mail address you will be sending e-mails from, or just don't have any idea of how to whitelist their e-mail in their own e-mail client.
By using E-mail WhiteLister your visitor is shown immediately in an unblockable hover window of how to add your e-mail address to their correct e-mail program.
E-mail WhiteLister Features:
- Use with any existing form on your web site
- E-mail WhiteLister will configure itself into your form automatically. Just tell it where it is on your web site
- Get your visitors to immediately add your e-mail address to their whitelist, ensuring that ALL of your e-mails will get through to them
Installation:E-mail WhiteLister 1.1 automatically installs on your web site in seconds
Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.
- Untar ewhitelister.tar. If you use telnet or ssh, the command would be: tar xvfp ewhitelister.tar
- Move ewhitelister.cgi to your cgi-bin folder and CHMOD to 755
- Edit the locations in ewhitelister.cgi to where you will store the working files
- Move all other .txt files to the folder you chose above and chmod each file to 777
"[The Affiliate Finder] works great! Let me know when you get it finished. I would like a copy."
- J. Yarbrough
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