"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
Saturday, February 15, 2025

I find your site interesting and professionally done. The software is a great value for the price...

Scott Henderson

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Super Affiliate Finder 2.1
Boost your sales and income without fumbling through search engines to locate people that will bring more traffic to your web site and money to your bank account. Instantly find phone, fax, e-mail, mailing addresses and more just by entering keywords

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Premium Membership (10 day, full access pass)
Get all of the CGI Connection's self-installing software! 24/7 access to everything. That includes new, existing, and updated software. Over $8,000.00 worth just $9 for 10 days access. CANCEL ANYTIME!

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

WebPost DesignIT 2
Create that sleek, professional, web site that will dazzle your visitors, clients, and customers in just minutes. Nobody will ever know you did it yourself

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Build your web site in minutes with this all-in-one web design package. Never hire a web designer or programmer again.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Banner Creator 2
Attract repeated visitors to your web site by letting them design their own banner ads and pictures. Banner designs can be saved for later editing and even e-mailed to your visitor to get them coming back for more.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

AD Flasher 1.5
Stop promoting with annoying Pop-Ups and give style to your AD's. Show your products, services, and RSS feeds in a flash without disturbing your visitors. Your AD's can float, fly, shake, rotate, and more!

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

FREE Joomla 1.0.13
Build powerful web sites with ease with this all-in-one package. All you need is a web browser and imagination.

Pop Uploader 2
Share songs, video clips, documents... any type of file you can think of right on your web page. Let your visitors upload and download files... even password protect them! Includes instant e-mail notification too.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

FREE WordPress 2.3
WordPress is an easy to use, but extremely powerful blog publishing system. Create dynamic content, let your visitors post comments, use RSS feeds... and so much more.

Creature Creator 2
Give your visitors a reason to promote your ads and web site by letting them create fun effects with flying ghosts and bats for their own web sites

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

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This is the most cost efficient way to have your site not only be user friendly, but also look and work great. After using the autoupload I had a few problems with my server working the software. However, Joe helped me work out the problems and the software working perfect in 1 day. Not only did he make it work he showed me what the problem was and how to make future pages work smoothly with my server. The best customer service I have ever dealt with.

Dave Keith

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Download Fuse Node.js Compiler